Sunday, March 7, 2010

Why I'm here...

I have three main reasons why I am deciding to blog:

1. I need a place to vent. A self-therapy as it were.

2. I can't voice many of my true opinions on Facebook because my "friends" will not understand.

3. I was raised a Seventh-day Adventist, but I have left the church.

These reasons are certainly not disparate; they are intertwined to a degree that makes me cringe. I spend much too much time thinking about this stuff, so I've decided to vomit all this thought-junk into the cosmic Internet void! Here goes nothing...


  1. Welcome to your podium :)

  2. I have a livejournal for this purpose, but I tend to forget about it. I tend to piss people off on facebook. *shrugs* People are too sensitive.

    Oh yeah, this is Jeremy by the way.
